Black and White Radiating Sand by jgpittenger
jgpittenger's Gallery jgpittenger's Gallery
  1. jgpittenger's Gallery
  2. February 2015February 2015
  3. Black and White Radiating SandBlack and White Radiating Sand

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Item information:

Ada Railroad Bridge (Went out looking for a sunrise and ended up going on a driving adventure)
Are-You-Going-To-Share? (Grebe dinner stand off)
Bandon Rock Sunset (This is one of my favorite beaches to photograph but it is a long way to go in hopes of a good sunset and/or starry sky. We got lucky)
Beach Campfire (This is one of my favorite beaches to photograph but it is a long way to go in hopes of a good sunset and/or starry sky. We got lucky. It was President's Day weekend and lots of people stayed past sunset.)
Black and White Radiating Sand (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Black and White Sand Patterns (1) (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Black and White Sand Patterns 2 (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Black and White sand shapes and lines straightened and cropped (1 of 1) copy (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Blue Heron Soaring (I got a new lens and am liking the improvement in my bird shots)
Charlotte's-Web (My granddaughter got to be in her local town's Charlotte's Web. A new experience for me shooting in a dark theater)
Charlotte's-Web (My granddaughter got to be in her local town's Charlotte's Web. A new experience for me shooting in a dark theater)
Charlotte's-Web (My granddaughter got to be in her local town's Charlotte's Web. A new experience for me shooting in a dark theater)
Coming-In-for-the-Night (Taken on a trip to Newport mostly to shoot birds)
Coming-In-To-Join-the-Crowdpy (Bird photography practice)
Dunes Lines (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Dunes Lines 2 (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Dunes Shapes and Lines (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
First-Star-Magnolia-Blooms- (Spring!)
Gawdy-Visitor (Amazing creatures!)
Great-Grandmother-Cedar black and White (Jim's Valentine's present to me was cutting a bunch of brush so I could finally photograph this magnificent tree)
Great-Grandmother-Cedar (Jim's Valentine's present to me was cutting a bunch of brush so I could finally photograph this magnificent tree)
Looking North at Bandon Rocks (This is one of my favorite beaches to photograph but it is a long way to go in hopes of a good sunset and/or starry sky. We got lucky)
Milky Way Over Bandon Rocks(1 of 1) copy (This is one of my favorite beaches to photograph but it is a long way to go in hopes of a good sunset and/or starry sky. We got lucky)
Photographer Approaching the Emerald Pool (1 of 1) copy (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Radiating Sand (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Sand Patterns (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Sand Patterns 2 (It hadn't occured to me that the light and shadows on the dune in the winter allow for middle of the day photography.)
Siltcoos Dawn (Went out looking for a sunrise and ended up going on a driving adventure)
Stars Coming Out At Bandon Rocks 1 (This is one of my favorite beaches to photograph but it is a long way to go in hopes of a good sunset and/or starry sky. We got lucky)
Stars Coming Out at Bandon Rocks 2enoised (This is one of my favorite beaches to photograph but it is a long way to go in hopes of a good sunset and/or starry sky. We got lucky)
Tahkenitch-Morning (On the drive here the sky was filled with clouds and I feared I had rolled out of bed for naught, but when I got here there was a touch of pink. And it kept coming and coming and coming)
Take-Off (I am loving my new lens!)
Tide Is Coming In (I was aghast to watch this seemingly abandoned tripod and camera standing unattended for more than 1/2 hour as the tide came in more and more. This is one of my favorite beaches to photograph but it is a long way to go in hopes of a good sunset and/or starry sky. We got lucky)
Turnstone-Reflected (Bird play)
Two-Turnstones-Finding-Dinneropy (Bird play)
White Egret Soaring (More fun with my new lens)

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