Robin_Flying_ by jgpittenger
jgpittenger's Gallery jgpittenger's Gallery
  1. jgpittenger's Gallery
  2. June 2018June 2018
  3. Robin_Flying_Robin_Flying_

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Ah_That_Feels_Good! (Taffy and her new friend in the Palouse)
Annas_Hummer (They are finally back with lots of babies)
Aren't_I_Handsome? (We have about 30 hummers around these days with many of them babies. There seems to only be one male rufous but here he is showing off)
Baby_Hummers_At_the_Feeder (It is amazing to see how fast they grow from one day to the next!)
Bald_Eagle_Fly_Over (Seen on our South Jetty trail and photographed with too short a lnes. It was a treat to see anyway.)
Bald_Eagle_Fly_Over_B and W (Seen on our South Jetty trail and photographed with too short a lnes. It was a treat to see anyway.)
Bald_Eagle_Flying_Into_the_Great_Beyond (Seen on our South Jetty trail and photographed with too short a lnes. It was a treat to see anyway.)
Bee_In_Wild_Geranium (Summer's gifts)
Blue_Heron_Flying_with_Textures (Changed the busy background)
Blue_Heron_Flying_In_with_Fish_ (At Munsel Lake)
Blue_Heron_Flying_Over_the_Marsh (South Jetty trail)
Blue_Heron_Portrait_ (Handsome dude)
Cormorants (At the Yaquina Head Lighthouse Park)
Curious_Western_Red_Legged_Frog (Taking up residency in Jim's pond)
Day_Lily_In_the_Evening (From Jim's magnificent flower garden)
Dive_Bombing_at_the_Feeder (So much going on there)
Ears_Flapping_As_She_Comes_To_My_Call (My sweet Black Pearl)
Farms_Still_Sleeping_In_the_Rolling_Hills_of_the_Palouse_ (Another shot from the Palouse)
Foxglove_Variant_ (Somewhat deformed but still beautiful)
Grey_Whale_and_the_Rocks (A friend and I went to Newport to photograph the just fledged peregrine  falcons. They weren't doing much so we went out to the lighthouse and watched as a grey whale swam into the small bay between the lighthouse and murre rock. It must have stayed there swimming around and feeding for 45 minutes. I took about 400 shots! What a thrill to watch one so close. At times he was too close even for the 150mm end of my zoom! Peak experience for me.)
Grey_Whale_Blow_ (A friend and I went to Newport to photograph the just fledged peregrine  falcons. They weren't doing much so we went out to the lighthouse and watched as a grey whale swam into the small bay between the lighthouse and murre rock. It must have stayed there swimming around and feeding for 45 minutes. I took about 400 shots! What a thrill to watch one so close. At times he was too close even for the 150mm end of my zoom! Peak experience for me.)
Grey_Whale_Coming_Into_the_Bay (A friend and I went to Newport to photograph the just fledged peregrine  falcons. They weren't doing much so we went out to the lighthouse and watched as a grey whale swam into the small bay between the lighthouse and murre rock. It must have stayed there swimming around and feeding for 45 minutes. I took about 400 shots! What a thrill to watch one so close. At times he was too close even for the 150mm end of my zoom! Peak experience for me.)
Hanging_On (I didn't see the spider until I brought it into my computer)
Hummer_Silhouettes_at_Sunset (I was watching their antics through the window when the sun went down)
Lewisia (From Jim's wonderful flower garden)
Lily_After_the_Rain (From Jim's wonderful flower garden)
Lily_Reflected (From Jim's wonderful flower garden)
Looking_Out_the_Window_Through_a_Ball (Spring greens)
Male_Osprey_with_Fish (He did share it with mom and baby after he ate some)
Murre_Rock (In Newport at Yaquina Head Lighthouse Park. They remind me of little penguins in their tuxedos)
My_Feeder,_No,_My_Feeder (More Summer hummer antics)
Osprey_Coming_in_for_a_Landing (Near his nest in Newport)
Osprey_Taking_Off_from_the_Nest (Quite the drama at the nest. Mom and baby are in the nest with mom looking as if she got wounded in a battle. interloper male flew close to the nest seemingly harrassing them. Then dad chased him off and flew into the nest. Seems as if he is working overtime with protecting babe and mom and feeding them. Mom seems to have an injured eye so probably can't hunt.)
Peregrine_Falcon_Grooming (Love the pose with the bright yellow leg)
Peregrine_Falcon_Looking_Wise (In Newport at Yaquina Head Lighthouse Park)
Power_Man_Made_and_Natural (Flying through an obstacle course to keep mom and baby safe)
Rachel_After_the_Recital (What grace she has  and she is a beautiful dancer)
Rachel_After_the_Recital_2_ (What grace she has  and she is a beautiful dancer)
Rachel_After_the_Recital_3 (What grace she has  and she is a beautiful dancer)
Red_Tailed_Hawk_Flying_High_A_La_Jonathan_Livingston_Seagull (In the Palouse)
Resting Pigeon Guillemots (At Ocean Beach)
Robin_Flying_ (Even though they are abundant, I'd never caught one in flight before)
Rufous_Hover_and_Pee (Can't stop photographing these feisty fun creatures)
Rufous_Male_ (Can't stop photographing these feisty fun creatures)
Sea_Horse (Getting some pool equipment and saw this in one of their fish tanks)
Seagulls_Chase_Off_the_Bald_Eagle (While we were photographing the whale, we suddenly heard an uproar from the seagulls. The bald eagle had tried to grab a murre baby and they chased him off successfully for now)
Shaggy_Threesome (In the Palouse)
Spider_Food_Storage (In the greens garden)
Spread_Tail_Feathers_with_Textures (Can't stop photographing these feisty fun creatures)
Swallowtail_Pollen_Dusted (In Jim's flower garden)
Tadpole_Pooping_in_Jim_s_Pond (So exciting to have these show up in the pond)
Taking_In_the_View (Holman Overlook)
The_Road Into the Clouds (I loved the clouds and curve. Taken in the Palouse)
The_Road_Runs_Through_It_B_and_W (Anothe palouse shot)
Two_Hummers_Engaging_Around_the_Feeder (Can't stop photographing these feisty fun creatures)
Two Tone Rose  with Textures (1 of 1) copy (My favorite rose in Jim's flower garden)
Wet_Blue_Heron_with_Fish (He actually went fully underwater to catch it and then came over to eat and dry out)

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