Full House At the Feeder by jgpittenger
jgpittenger's Gallery jgpittenger's Gallery
  1. jgpittenger's Gallery
  2. May 2016May 2016
  3. Full House At the FeederFull House At the Feeder

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Baby All Alone (This baby eaglet was shot using a camera that isn't as sharp as I would like but better than nothing! Last year they had two eaglets...only one this year.)
Bee On Rose Leaf (First one of the year)
Birthday Coffee (My two dear friends Elle and Jeannie took me out tlunch at one of my very favorite restaurants for a late birthday celebration. We thought thecoffees and chai were beautiful)
Hummer Glass in B and W (A friend in my camera club brought a stunning photo to our lastcritique meeting in which he had made a flower look like glass I had to try it...though I think in retrospect hummingbirds have too much detail to work well)
Hummer Glass v 4 (A friend in my camera club brought a stunning photo to our lastcritique meeting in which he had made a flower look like glass I had to try it...though I think in retrospect hummingbirds have too much detail to work well)
Bright Purple Finch (At our bird feeder)
Columbine (From Jim's native plant garden)
Crossbill (I love that you can really see in this shot why he is called a "crossbill")
Dad and Eaglet (This baby eaglet was shot using a camera that isn't as sharp as I would like but better than nothing! Last year they had two eaglets...only one this year.)
Dancing Shoes Hanging By A Thread (Caught my eye)
Finally Can Access the Lighthouse Viewing Spot Again (Construction had made it inaccessible for far too long.)
Flirtatious Hummingbird (There is something about her blink and long eyelashes that I find adorable)
Full House At the Feeder (The hummers are back big time!)
Glass Red Lily with Bokeh Background (A friend in my camera club brought a stunning photo to our lastcritique meeting in which he had made a flower look like glass I had to try it.)
Holman Overlook Starry Nighted (1 of 1) copy (After105" of rain in the past many months, it was a treat to see the stars again)
How Many Hummers Can a Feeder Feed  of 1) (The hummers are back and have had lots of babies!)
Hummer Spread Tail Feathers (I can't resist these adorable birds)
Jelly Fish Grace (We took rachel and Mason to the Newport Aquarium and I couldn't get past the jellyfish)
Kona Pacific Farmers Coop (Finally had a chance to revisit some of my Hawaii pictures)
Kona Pacific Farmers Coop Jeepb and w (1 of 1) (isit some of my Hawaii pictures)
Lily for Glass with Nasturtium Bokeh (A friend in my camera club brought a stunning photo to our lastcritique meeting in which he had made a flower look like glass I had to try it.)
Long Billed Curlews for Texture (A revisit to a shot with a lot of distractions that I minimized with the use of textures)
Rufous Hummingbird Who Thinks He Is a Peacock (I think he is stunning)
More Jelly Fish (We took rachel and Mason to the Newport Aquarium and I couldn't get past the jellyfish)
Pearl At Sutton Creek (Boy, she has even grown a lot since this shot)
Red Lilies (From Jim's flower garden)
Rhody Days Ferris Wheel (I liked the rhododendrons in the foreground since tarnival is part of Rhododendron Days celebration. The twilight full moon was a bonus came out of cloud cover)
Rose Radiance (One of the roses Jim and I bought to replace the roses that were in my office garden before I retired)
Rufous Hummers Having a Conversation (What a treat to get both in focus)
Sleeping Buddies (Often they are fighting.This was a sweet moment of comraderie)
Sun Star At Sunset On Cleowax 1 of 1) (A beautiful sunset for sure)
Three Flying Pelicans for Texture ) (Texture added to get rid of distractions)
Three White Pelicans Flying (Reedit of a shot I took of white pelicans which I've rarely gotten to see.)
What a Long Tongue You Have (One of our hummingbirds)
Wild  Turkeys (Texture added to get rid of distractions)
Yellow Rose of Oregon (Another rose from our garden)

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