It Takes a Worried Dog by jgpittenger
jgpittenger's Gallery jgpittenger's Gallery
  1. jgpittenger's Gallery
  2. December 2022December 2022
  3. It Takes a Worried DogIt Takes a Worried Dog

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It Takes a Worried Dog (At the time, I thought she was worried re the big winds and power outage but a couple of days later, when she was really seeming puny and we took her to the emergency vet, it turned out she had salmon poisoning. Thankfully she is mostly back to her normal self today)
Keeping Watch (Blue heron on the Siuslaw River)
Least Sandpiper (An unexpected visitor to the South Jetty trail)
Least Sandpiper Pair (Unexpected visitors to the South Jetty trail)
Let There Be Light (On the Cummins Creek trail after days of rain)
Light on the Dunes (This time of year sure makes me appreciate light)
Milky Way at Thor's Well (Went out on a clear night)
Moon Glow in the Fog (I just thought it was pretty)
More Rays (On Cummins Creek trail)
Northwestern Salamander (It is about 10" long!)
Para Glider (I was looking for birds to shoot and this was all I found)
Pearl Crossing the Stream (Enchanted valley trail)
Pond Reflections (South Jetty trail)
Power Outage (We had huge winds and 26 hours without power)
Rays After Days of Rain
Salmon at Christmas (A sculpture down on Bay St)
Sand Patterns (Washburne Beach)
Sap Is Rising (I was amazed by how red the flowering currant branches are becoming)
She Is Back To Exploring (First day that Pearl began to feel herself after salmon poisoning)
Shooting the Rays (My friend Christine and Black Pearl and Abby)
Stars and Clouds at the Outlet (I was hoping for clear stars but ended up really liking the clouds just after sunset)
The Waves  Come In and Go Out (I got down into a squat for this shot and thankfully managed to get up and out of the way before the next wave)
Tree with Character (One of the gnarly trees on the South Jetty trail)
Under the Bridge (A rainy day photo taken from under cover)
Waterfall (We've had so much rain that our little stream has waterfalls in it)
Winter Colors (It's amazing to me how much color there is even at this time of year with heavy overcast skies)
Winter Grass (Playing with depth of field)
Winter Towee (We haven't had this visitor to our feeder in the winder before. He was easily spooked so I shot through the window)
Yellow Rumped Wabler (On the South Jetty trail. I think he is a beauty)
Northern Shrike (This is a new bird for me. His hooked beak was a hint that he is a predator even though he is really tiny)
Black and White Sand Patterns (I can't resist shooting the different paintings that the streams coming on to the sand make at the beach)
Blue Heron on a Log (From a very long ways away!)
Bubbles (Beach treasures)
Cape Creek Bridge (Popping out to the fog)
Driveway Sunset (I was driving home from picking my car up at the mechanics when I saw this from our driveway)
Elk in the Rain (A visitor in our yard)
Ferns Growing on Tree (Such beauty around us)
Flicker (Way up high in a tree below our garden from too far away for agood shot)
Gnarly Trees (On the China Creek trail)
Hanging Drops (Enchanted Valley trail)
Hidden in the Trees (The pavilion through the trees)
Holman Overlook Dawn (Subtle color but soft)
Hummer Ready for Take Off
Ice Patterns (We got some ice on Jim's pond)

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